International Partnership
The Network of Maths Laboratories "Giordano Bruno" (RLMGB) has established an international partnership between Laboratories in Marseille, Nice and Rome, including the Department of Mathematics of University La Sapienza. The RLMGB promotes and supports mobility of both researchers and students between Nice, Marseille and Rome. In particular, there is the possibility to spend some time in the hosting foreign countries for students preparing a master thesis under a co-supervision. Also the mobility of Ph.D. students and post-Doctorants is promoted and supported.
Specific ongoing collaborations are listed below:
Rome La Sapienza & Marseile
- Elena Agliari and Alain Barrat (CNRS).
Subject: statistical mechanics on graphs.
- Gianluca Panati and Valentin Zagrebenov (Université Aix-Marseille)
Subject: Mathematical Quantum Theory
- Simone Diverio and Erwan Rousseau (Université d’Aix Marseille).
Subject: hyperbolicity of algebraic varieties.
Rome La Sapienza & Nice
- Giada Basile and Cédric Bernardin (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis).
Subject: probability, mathematical physics.
- Andrea Davini and Ludovic Rifford (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis).
Subject: Hamilton-Jacobi equations and weak KAM theory.
- Simone Diverio and Andreas Höring (Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis).
Subject: rational curves on Calabi-Yau varieties.
- Alessandra Faggionato and Raphael Chetrite (CNRS).
Subject: probability, statistical physics.
- Claudia Malvenuto and Frédéric Patras (Université de Sophia Antipolis).
Subject: Hopf algebras in Combinatorics, multiple zeta functions, quasi-symmetric functions.
- Corrado Mascia and Thierry Goudon (INRIA).
Subject: partial differential equations, conservation laws.